Biocore Pilates
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Biocore Pilates
Program Options
These online videos offer you:
Verbal cues
Visual demonstrations
Routines by a medically qualified & registered professional
To keep you healthy, and
Maintain your quality of Life!
2 Classes per week
Two new online videos drop every Monday morning to replace the previous weeks online videos.
3 Classes per week
Three new online videos drop every Monday morning to replace the previous weeks online videos.
One on One
– Private Session
Great for newcomers or as a refresher! A private one on one session with Debbie Wilson to assess your movement patterns.
Pricing Plans
2 Classes per week
- ♦ 2 new classes released every Monday
- ♦ 8 classes per month
- ♦ Routines by a medically qualified & registered professional
- ♦ Access to Debbie Wilson regarding pathologies and guidence
3 Classes per week
- ♦ 3 new classes released every Monday
- ♦ 12 classes per month
- ♦ Routines by a medically qualified & registered professional
- ♦ Access to Debbie Wilson regarding pathologies and guidence
One on One - Private session
- ♦ A perfect introduction for newcomers & beginners
- ♦ Also great for seasoned individuals looking for a refresher
- ♦ Discuss & identify possible modifications specific to you
Biocore Pilates was established in 2007 after identifying the need for biokinetic patients to keep moving.
With this Biokinetic perspective a variety of ongoing rehabilitative, preventative and progressive exercises were then established and offered in regular group classes. Patients have now found a way to keep moving under professional supervision!
Biocore Pilates is a cost effective solution that not only offers a bridge between mind and body, between everyday life and optimal performance, between rehabilitation and healthy movement, it offers a system that, when used to its full potential, can enhance every aspect of life. It offers a solution to those with restricted mobility as well as to elite athletes. It is as beneficial for an 11-year-old as it is for an 80-year-old and as motivating for men as for women.
Biocore facilitates our philosophy that… we are “designed to move.”
what They’re Saying
Client Testimonials
I am a 65 year old lawyer who spends most of the working day sitting at my desk and on the computer. Having played a range of sports all my life I have kept a reasonable level of fitness, but felt myself increasingly affected by lower back pain and stiffness as I got older.I have been doing Pilates with Debs for the past 4 years, and gradually over time my back pain largely disappeared. They have been key in helping me maintain a good level of fitness and flexibility, as well as being a lot of fun. Debbie varies the classes, which stops them becoming dull and boring. They compliment other forms of exercise you may be doing, whether running, paddling or cycling, and I would recommend them to everybody.